by Jennifer Fall | May 31, 2019 | Recaps and Reviews, Spotlight
I’m still trying to process what happened last week. After a year-long wait for Movement Detroit, I was most excited for the festival and after-parties that Detroit is known for during #technochristmas. If you haven’t hit Detroit for Memorial Day Weekend,...
by Jennifer Fall | May 22, 2019 | Music Festival
The time has come. The sound to the stages is off. Now you have to find a place to continue the party. Mark my words, if you are attending Movement, you definitely want to have your after-party schedule lined up. Here we showcase some excellent choices for you to...
by Jennifer Fall | May 21, 2019 | Fresh Music, Music Festival
“You ain’t even missing me baby, so why do I want you so badly?” I don’t care who you are, you heard that chorus in your head reading it, as much as I did writing it. MK’s “17” is a timeless banger. I can verify two completely...
by Jennifer Fall | May 21, 2019 | Music Festival, Rock
Sonic Temple is Grit. It’s Rock. It’s Heavy Metal of the highest order. What’s it like to be a rave princess and go to one of these events? Shocking, enjoyable, and with the successful choices of the inaugural year’s artists bringing their poignant political...