Happy Forest my lovely Sherwood family. In just a few weeks (literally counting the days) we will all be lost in the magic that is Electric Forest. I feel like as a family Electric Forest is the most genuine, and truly well-mannered festival that I have encountered. Families can have honest opinions and express them, so I have one to share with you, and it is an unpopular one.

I absolutely, 100 percent, VERY strongly dislike totems. While several festivals discourage or ban them all together… here’s looking at you Ultra and Movement, they have become widely encouraged and accepted by large festivals like EDC. If you have ever been to EDC, you will note that having a totem is not only fun but absolutely necessary given the absolutely massive amount of crowd and little to no cell phone service.

Totems are a valid way of self-expression. I get that. Finding your group deep in the crowd, I also get that. Through my festing journey, I have had to relax my stance on totems from HATE to strongly DISLIKE. I mean, after all, I complain about fan clacking too, #noclackzone. Perhaps in my old lady raver stage, I’m a bit jaded.

Well fam, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” So if we must have this discussion, let’s talk about some totem etiquette, shall we?

1. No Higher Than Seven Feet

That’s longer than average by the way. You’ll look cool, without being too big about it. Electric Forest enforces a seven-foot rule. Don’t be the guy with the largest totem. We all know what you are compensating for.

2. Don’t Block the DJ/Stage

The beautiful stage we all spent hundreds or more to see being blocked by your amazing use of totem artwork, and although we appreciate the time you spent on telling us how awesome of a wook you are, we’d rather see Bassnectar than your “I wook up like this” totem in front of his face. I mean we camped out at the rail all day. Let’s not block the view of those who weren’t as faithful, k? Put it down for the set, your friends are not going to make it to you with the crowd anyway.

3. Turn it Sideways

Hey sweetheart, width matters, but not during the set we all want to see. Turn that puppy sideways. Everyone will love you for it.

4. Move to the Back

When all else fails, hit it from the back. Seriously, if you are trying to meet up with your friends… it’s absolutely ridiculous to expect them to maneuver through the crowd just to get to you. Wait at the back to meet the crew, then move to your designated spot for the show.

5. Forget the Totem and get Lost

Nuff said. The Forest provides. Chances are by losing the group you will find other wonderful people to vibe with.

See you all in two weeks fam! I’ll be the girl without a totem, but I hope we still find each other!

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*Featured Image of “Carl” via Alex Lamb Fresh Music Freaks