The time has come. The sound to the stages is off. Now you have to find a place to continue the party. Mark my words, if you are attending Movement, you definitely want to have your after-party schedule lined up. Here we showcase some excellent choices for you to consider. There was one-day last year where I literally walked from an after right back into the festival. That is also the day I found that sunglasses really do double as makeup in a pinch.
Editor’s Choices:
We all know sometimes we make a plan, and let everything fall out the window once we get to the festival. I did that last year. I had no after parties planned, and was gifted an incredible experience. Read about it here. Thank you, Uriah.
Saturday: To return the favor, I’m taking him (it is his birthday after all) with me to see one of my all-time favorites on Saturday, DJ Tennis. He is playing with Damian Lazarus, so this is destined to be one phenomenal party. You can bet your bootay I will be at the Movement set as well on Monday at 6:30.
Sunday: Next up, a return to one of my favorite after-parties that I have ever attended in my entire life, that featured an extended set by none other than Chris Lake. Country Club Disco returns this year with a stellar lineup that Golf Clap has been known to bring out. AC Slater and Chris Lorenzo head up the night. My body is ready! Don’t forget to see Golf Clap on Monday at 4:00 at Movement. I may be using my sunglasses as makeup day two!
Sunday: Who could pass up an official Movement after party when there are so many amazing choices throughout the week. I will be at Bert’s Warehouse for Charlotte De Witte and Chris Liebing.
There you have it, folks. If you don’t have a chance to run into me at the fest, you now know where I plan to be each night! I’m ready to make some incredible Techno memories with you!
What after parties are you hitting after Movement? Let us know in the comments!