Etherwood has been a staple in the UK Drum and Bass scene since 2011. He has produced some of the most melodic, soulful, and unique tracks in the genre. He is not only a DJ, but a producer, singer-songwriter, guitarist, and pianist…he pretty much does it all!

Etherwood has been a busy guy over the last few years. He’s toured all over the world, produced a variety of remixes, and released three albums. However, I am still waiting to see any US tour dates, or should I say waiting, hoping, and praying!

I almost had a chance to check him out a few years back in Denver, but fate was not in my favor. At the last minute, he was removed from the line-up because of visa issues (shakes fist at the American government). To say I was bummed would be an understatement.

All three of Etherwood’s albums are exceptional! Each of his albums are start to finish masterpieces in my opinion. He has the perfect blend of live instrument harmonies, vocals, and Drum and Bass beats.

Etherwood released his self-titled debut album in 2013 on Hospital Records’ imprint label Med School. The track ‘Souls Apart’, is just freakin’ beautiful. It lacks in lyrics but makes up for it in deep bass and beautiful instrumental melodies culminating in sheer perfection. “Begin by Letting Go’, ‘Hold Your Breath’, and ‘Weightless’; are a few other amazing tracks from the album. In the song ‘Hold Your Breath’, you can feel the hurt and loss come through in the lyrics. We’ve all gone through tough breakups and this song just encompasses that feeling completely.

His second album, Blue Leaves came out in 2015, and the release has the same vibe you would expect after listening to his debut. Each track better than the last! “Souls Rejoined” picks up where “Souls Apart: left off, with the same graceful beauty and ambiance. Like two lovers, neither incomplete on their own, but when joined together they are the perfect complement to each other. ‘Souls Apart’ has a buildup and an airy quality and ‘Souls Rejoined’ brings in the deeper bass and a conclusion of the sound and it ties together perfectly. Other standouts from the release are ‘Souvenirs’, ‘Light my Way Home’, and ‘Sunlight Splinters’.

In Stillness was released last year and as I fangirl over here a bit; the album was extremely overdue but worth the wait. Etherwood continues to take us on an exploration of sounds, and each album just gets better and better. A couple of tracks you must check out are; You’re Missing Life, Climbing, and In Stillness.

If I haven’t convinced you of Etherwood’s Man Crush Monday worthiness, check out his albums on Spotify and get back with me! The man is a genius and a true force in the Drum and Bass scene. Hopefully he will make it to the States one day, or you’d best believe I will be making a trip across the pond to check him out!

Man Crush Monday Etherwood Drum and Bass
Etherwood | Image Via Hospital Records

*Featured Image Via Hospital Records*